Green Ink is proud to make a difference in the battle against climate change – we feel we’re doing good work when we help audiences to understand the science and the implications
Communicating climate science, highlighting climate issues and informing climate policy for more than a decade
From Our Clients
We always check in on how we’re measuring up to client expectations – and we receive glowing testimonials
“Thanks again for your support in helping us shape this summary – certainly no easy task, considering the breadth of the climate change action plan!”
“Thanks for the wonderful job done by your team. The hard work that has gone into the preparations of these briefs is very evident. The briefs have really come out very well and of course on time.”
“Thank you all so much for contributing to getting this together – the Adaptation Futures 2018 Insights from Africa report looks beautiful.”
“I was very impressed with the job Green Ink did on translating the policy brief, given the rather technical nature of the product.”

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or call Becky Mitchell on +44 (0) 20 7193 6710
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